Integrated Man Coaching

Master life coaching, mentoring and guidance for high-achieving men dedicated to transformation.

Ready For Courageous Coaching?

If you are primed for a pivotal change in your life because you want to become a new version of yourself…

If you want to create meaningful, empowering change in your life…

If you yearn for higher emotional intelligence and empathy…

If you feel the call to transform your life or career…then this is for you.

I coach 9 men per year inside this program, which is currently half full. Please book a 90-minute conversation to see if this work is a fit for you.


Coaching For Men Seeking…




I offer high-achieving men the opportunity to truly know themselves at the core. This is a co-created, collaborative, space designed for you to release the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual stagnation that’s impeded progress in life, relationship or career. When this clearing occurs the liberation you feel, the dreams you dream, the way in which you stride through life excels. You are able to create a compelling future full of inspired action.


“Working with Joe I discovered counter-intuitive answers to questions that I had carried in my head all my life.

I found completeness through understanding my purpose in life. I found how to have inner peace while living a life of uncertainty. I found acceptance of the things I didn’t like about myself. I found freedom from letting go of control. I discovered how to thinkcreatively and express love and compassion in relationships. I learned balance by adjusting my pace of life through listening to my body.

Joe is a sage and a friend. He has energized methat I may in turn energize those in my circle of influence. I can joyfully live life at a higher level with less stress, greater health, and deeper awareness in spite of all life’s imperfections.”

~ Mike Thomas, VP Colliers Int’l, Portland, Oregon


A Year-Long Coaching Journey

Month 1 & 2: Identify

Shedding your old skin to become a new version of yourself commences your journey. You’ll identify outdated patterns, behaviors and norms so we can lay new groundwork.

*We start with the first half-day immersion off-site.

Month 3 & 4: Inhabit

What does a new sense of freedom feel like? How does your body feel? What are the quality of your thoughts? In these months you begin to fully inhabit new beliefs.

Month 5 & 6: Integrate

Deep change requires time to integrate and this is a perfect opportunity to spend our second immersion day together. We’ll recap where you were, where you are and any new destinations that have arisen.

*We’ll have our second immersion weekend at this time.

Month 7 & 8: Innovate

Unpacking and unravelling limiting beliefs allows you change how you show up for your life. In what ways do your personal and family relationships need to innovate? How might innovation produce better leadership at work? You’ll conceive of new answers during these months.

Month 9 & !0: Invite

What metaphorical invitation have you been meaning to send? Who do you want to call into your life? What opportunity do you want to create? Who do you want to create with? Here you are able to make invitations to cultivate your goals.

Month 11 & 12: Inspire

Countless are the ways in which you can feel inspired to innovate, craft and be in the world. You’ll sift through what you’re inspired to create next and take more bold actions in response.

I coach 9 men per year inside this program, which is currently half full. Please book a 90-minute conversation to see if this work is a fit for you.


- Wayne Dyer

Circumstance doesn’t make a man, it reveals him.

I work with 9 men inside this program, which is currently half full. Please schedule a 90-minute conversation to see if this work is a fit for you.