Are you a professional who dreams of being magical at work (and in life)?
Do you excel in your profession, yet feel there is a little Harry Potter in your somewhere to explore?
Do you often feel you have to be discreet about your spiritual nature, especially at work?
Are you sensitive to your surroundings and to people, often “knowing” before others do?
Do you dabble (or more) in the spiritual arts and want to integrate them more into your professional life?
Would connecting with an inspiring group of spiritually conscious professionals finally give you a place to explore and enhance your intuitive and magical gifts?
Spiritual Mastermind at Everhaven
Where great minds cultivate great energy
Next Mastermind - October 25, 2019
3-6pm NW Portland
Theme: Psychic Development for Professionals
Each mastermind features a specific esoteric teaching and theme for your professional and personal development. This month will feature a superb, supernatural guest to facilitate this month’s theme:
Psychic Development for Professionals!
Pomegranate Doyle is the host of the podcast “Ask Pomegranate,” an advice show delving into the mystery of life, death and beyond. A Priestess, Psychic and Painter, she has taught for 35 years at magical intensives, workshops and mystery schools all over North America.
She will guiding us through her framework for increasing intuition so that we can stop “try to figure it out.” Instead, we can learn that we’re all psychic and that we can use much less of our vital energy in making decisions and problem solving.
How valuable of skill this will be!
Joe will also be leading a segment on body/mind wellness for the emerging chilly season through the eyes of Ayurveda. In any spiritual practice the more we can cleanse, clear, nurture and support our physical bodies the easier for us to hear our true nature talking to us.
Cost is on a sliding scale, $171 - $306.
8 seats are available as of this writing on 10/3/19.
More About This
Mastermind for Spiritual Professionals
This monthly mastermind is designed to co-create a heightened sense of spiritual strength to elevate your professional capacity, creativity and purpose.
Non-traditional, we blend the best of a traditional mastermind (collective intention, knowledge sharing and problem solving) with the essence of a workshop (learn/practice/apply) to set the foundation for your professional lives to be spiritually enhanced. Yes!
Imagine a room filled with incredible, big-hearted, sharp-minded professionals like you ready to give more power to your intuitive spirit mind, where problems can be solved far faster.
Everything Is Intention. Here Is Ours:
invite you - one of 8 excelling and energy-curious professionals - to cultivate a supportive, intimate experiential group ready to learn and apply the universal laws of energy to feel more personal power, spark greater creativity, inspire deeper spiritual connection and pre-create you most compelling future for your professional life
to learn how to walk in two worlds simultaneously - the professional world and the energy/spirit world - so you can hear and trust your intuition with greater ease
If you are already intrigued and want to learn more, let’s chat!
Group Experience and Participation Details
This is a unique mastermind that incorporates elements of a workshop so you can learn and practice in a dynamic setting.
Each meeting will feature:
a teaching (from many ancient techniques) that can be directly applied to your professional life
time for everyone to process current hurdles, blocks and binds
guest speakers from our community who’ve exhibited exceptional skills in areas of leadership, money management, running a successful business, excelling in a corporate team, changing careers, scaling, and more while embodying their attunement to the supernatural
total group support for any one person needing full, undivided attention from every member during a particularly challenging phase of business life
Sound interesting to you?
Old Growth Douglas Fir Trees Surround This Existential Property in NW Portland
We’ll meet in-person once every 4 weeks at Everhaven, a mid-century modern residence built in the style of Frank Lloyd Wright. The property and house is truly remarkable.
Each meeting will be 3 hours, if not a little more.
(Note: We will create a very warm, comforting environment that will inspire.)
You’ll also receive unlimited email correspondence and one 60-min support call with our facilitator, Joe Shoemaker, per month.
Upcoming Dates
Friday, October 25th
Novemeber TBD
December TBD
January TBD
About Your Facilitator - Joe Shoemaker
I am Joe Shoemaker, creator and founder of this Portland-based Spiritual Mastermind.
For 15 years I worked in corporate America as a marketing agency Account Director until receiving a Reiki session that changed my life.
I was referred to a Reiki practitioner because my life was in energetic shambles. I knew I was working at a job that was unsustainable, but I was pushing through anyway. My insomnia was so bad that I couldn’t recognize myself in the mirror. And, I was still suffering the after effects of Lyme Disease, which bit me (literally) years ago. I had nothing to lose, so I tried this “reiki energy” thing.
That energy healer changed my life. The Reiki sessions and her incredible guidance, perspective-shifting questions and unconditional love helped me to overcome a significant block in moving forward with my career. And, just being in her presence and seeing the life she had woven, I knew nearly immediately that I wanted to create a life just like hers - in service to humanity as a guide, healer, mentor and source of spiritual wisdom.
I resigned from my job a mere 5 months later and embarked on a quest to unearth my true potential as a human.
Since then I have have studied the esoteric realms with great interest and reverence. I’m a Certified Reiki Master, a Certified Practitioner of The Shamanic Arts, a Certified Reflexologist and a Certified Practitioner of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming).
I am currently CEO of Honeymaker Wellness, having co-founded a healing business with my wife that enables me to work in both private practice and within the corporate realms to help clients show up as their best selves.
My work as a facilitator and teacher is incredibly rewarding, having worked with many professionals who now, unabashedly walk in both spiritual and business worlds with greater ease.
I’ve founded this Spiritual Mastermind both as a request from my clients to dive deeper into themselves and as a request from some energy much bigger than me who dropped this entire premiss into my awareness one foggy Portland morning.
I can’t wait to be with you, nourish you and to grow with you!
Application Process
Our group is curated to be safe for everyone. We ensure that we represent many different industries, life stages and levels of current energetic practice.
You are the right fit for this group if:
you are business professional who wants to uplevel in a non-traditional way
you currently feel like you are a crossroads in your career or job, or that there is a professional hurdle in front of you
you believe in that energy is everything
you are ready to learn to work with energy concepts daily
you currently feel deprived of spiritual experience
you want to be seen, heard and supported without judgement
you seek guidance on your path of spiritual evolution
If this is you, click the link below to apply!
Monthly Cost
Your $171 monthly payment will cover:
Guest Speakers
Snacks (chocolate will be aplenty!)
Your minimum 3-month commitment is required to ensure you receive a tangible benefit from this work.
That means I will give 100% of myself and we ask that you do the same for a minimum of 3 months.
The maximum benefit and shifting will occur the longer you stay in the group.
What Others Have Said:
“What a great exploration of myself and my gifts. As a result of this mastermind, I was able to let go of a draining job which, surprisingly, opened up a whole new door of opportunity for my consulting business. Joe is a wonderfully mindful, supportive leader who has our best intentions at heart.” ~ Alisa F
“Joe makes the hard things easier. I’m lucky to be on the receiving end of his wisdoms. I feel lighter in my business practice, like a darkness has cleared.” ~ Alison P.
“Facing some of the most intense adversity of my life in my career has been made so much easier because of how much I now nourish myself. This is the greatest gift I could have learned from Joe. ~ Janel H.
Feel free to email me here with any questions.
Thank you!