Thank you for joining me on the PDX Collaborative Call Last Night! As promised, here is a recap of my talk on Self Care.
I’m using the PIES framework to inspire new ways to care for yourself.
Please let me know if you’d like any resources or connections; I love being the bridge!
Is Your Inner Animal Getting Enough Wild Time?
Scream wildly! Really, at the top of your lungs. It works to move pent up energy.
Sweat. 20 mins of sweat per day is a beautiful liver detox and energy mover. I recommend Heather Robertson’s 20-30 min YouTube workouts that you can do at home.
Play with the juxtaposition of primal needs vs. nurturing needs
Hatha Yoga is gentle and slower, yet supremely effective as a whole body tonic. Try this kriya with my friend Skanda.
Ever tried Qi Gong? This is a staple in Chinese Medicine practices for moving energy and boosting your immune system. Click here for a 20 minute intro class.
Are you working with a Naturpath to address your physical ailments? They are all doing tele-sessions, and I recommend having a Naturpath on your team! I recommend Dr. Jenny Tufenkian; she is super skilled in many disciplines.
Finally, (but not finally, this list really could be infinite), TAKE A NAP! The best time is:
Right after you eat. Lie down on your left side for 20 mins. This will work wonders for your energy if you are always tired.
Are you being intellectually stimulated?
For those interested in the avante garde, estoeric arts, subscribe to Gaia TV and watch Ancient Civilizations. Fascinating! You’ll have to enter with an open mind; there are strong opinions that oppose traditional teachings!
Mrs. America documents the Equal Rights Movement in the early 70’s. Fascinating history.
If alcohol is NOT a trigger, watch Drunk History. Comedians get tipsy (and then some) while telling a historically accurate story. It’s goofy and light.
Also! Have you ever watched the John Coltrane documentary on Netflix? If you like jazz you’ll love his story.
Are you processing emotions and trauma outside of your relationship, if you are partnered?
If you are not partnered, do you have a resource to help you through the anxiety of these time?
I suggest working with a coach, a therapist, perhaps a men’s group (like those that I lead) or a women’s group. Even working with a Psychic or Energy Healer is profoundly cathartic, emotionally. Ask me for recommendations if you need a resource.
Do you have a connection to a source of energy greater than yourself?
Receiving sound healing and sound baths! As I said, Shalom Mayberg has been mentioned to me by a ton of my clients. He must be great!
Yoga, Qi Gong and Tai Chi are all ways to create space inside of us to reconnect to our higher selves.
I lead a Spiritual Masterclass once per month, featuring a world class Mystic, steeped in esoteric tradition. They teach us psychic development skill, magik, Shamanism, World Cosmologies and much, much more. Consider connecting into a group where Spiritual connection is the intention.