Self-development is a lifelong process of becoming humble, authentic and vulnerable with yourself and everyone in your life. We call it taking the “journey from head to heart.”

Because you can’t do this work alone, we’ve created a process that will lead you to these (at first) unfamiliar terrains inside of yourself.

  1. We start by understanding your nature. Who have you been that you’d like to change? Who are you becoming by creating these changes? We immediately look to your core imprints to determine what you came onto earth to achieve contrasting them with who you currently are.

  2. We then assess your values. What are your top 5 values? Why are these values important? How are you living your life that supports your values? We assess your level of current commitment to your values. This creates a roadmap for change.

  3. We unearth your patterns. What patterns are persistently and consistently keeping you from living fully? Identifying patterns allows us to create practices that unravel unwanted patterns and to reestablish empowering choices.

  4. We create a custom-tailored journey of daily, monthly and yearly practices that will allow you to create deep, intrinsic change. You’ll learn how to nourish yourself and your vitality in ways that will be remarkable to you.

  5. I’ll guide you; I’ll create a safe place for you to re-model your life. You will delve into the practices that will elevate your life, emotions and inner spirit.

  6. You’ll be asked to trust what seems intangible - your own energy.

  7. And, you’ll experience the deeply moving experience of feeling emotionally available, able to let go of judgments and becoming undeniably compassionate.