You are invited!
An intimate, extra-ordinary experience of healing and reconnection to your true essence
A little like Hogwarts in a woodland pasture, this private retreat will have us traveling together into new realms of soul healing, initiation and elevated heart space beyond normal reality.
A full-day healing retreat on Sauvie Island
Saturday, May 27th, 2023
10am - 5pm
Sliding scale $399 - $499
includes culinary delights and sound healing at an exclusive, private venue
4 openings currently available
Cultivate New Energy in Your Life
What might you create when you have more light inside of you to draw upon?
Who might emerge within you when the weight of the past is released?
The beauty of this era is that science is finally catching up with what indigenous healers have known forever - that when you change your energy, you change your life.
We currently stand at the door of opportunity in our world. The choice is exclusively ours to transcend fear, to create our lives from an elevated state of beingness as we heal ourselves and each other.
About This Retreat
This daylong retreat is curated exclusively for self and group healing so you can realize what you’ve longed to reconnect to - Yourself!
You will do this by clearing your energetic congestion, powerfully elevating your feelings and emotions, declaring what you want to experience in your life and anchoring it all into your heart.
You will learn to live from a state of gratitude so you can unburden yourself from your past. This means you can directly influence and change your destiny in life simply by creating coherence in your heart. This retreat will allow our hearts to connect and flourish together.
Intentionally created to preserve the integrity of the group, only 10 spots are available.
Your facilitator, Joe Shoemaker, healer and spiritual guide, will synthesize traditional energy work teachings in an accessible, practical way so that you will have a direct, felt experience working with your own energy, a practice you can take with you for the rest of your life.
We will learn
how to access energy to heal your emotions, heart and body
how to travel to new realms to meet spiritual teachers, allies and guides
how to use hands-on energy techniques to clear other people’s energy from your field and body
how to clear vows, oaths, or contracts that cause you undue stress in this lifetime
how to breath to improve heart rate variability + heart coherence
how to create powerful boundaries to keep your sovereignty strong
how to access the natural power of your hands for self-healing
You will walk away with
a feeling of expansiveness, dropping undue weight off your shoulders
the ability to travel to extra-ordinary realms to gain clarity and healing
an invitation to recreate yourself from a place of gratitude
practical tools to keep your energy field clean
inspiration to cultivate new states of elevated emotion
an activated set of hands that you can use for self-healing
Most importantly, you will be invited to be your full self.
This daylong retreat is an ideal fit if you are…
- ready to fling open the doors to new possibilities in your life
- interested in cultivating higher states of consciousness
- ready to increase and trust your intuition
- ready to explore realms beyond your current reality
- on a healing journey (or wish to be)
- aware that there is a deeper healing potential inside of you
- energetically sensitive
- in a transition in life where you want to live more true-to-yourself
- already strong in cognitive processes and want to access right-brain states
Details and Logistics
10 spots are available
The cost is $499
Private chef providing all organic, gluten-free morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, and a variety of beverages
Gorgeous private property on 7 acres on Sauvie Island where you will feel safe, nurtured, open and relieved of the stressors of the city
Active and immersive experience, with time for community building, deep reflection and a sound healing under a towering Sequoia tree!
Time for a nature walk as a tool for accessing deeper healing, grounding and centering
About Your Hosts
Hello, I’m Joe Shoemaker
Somatic Healer, Coach Practitioner and Facilitator
I am healer, guide and facilitator of healing experiences for body and soul, in practice in SE Portland for the past decade.
I gather incredible groups of people on unique paths of healing, expansion and growth, orchestrating opportunities to reconnect to yourself. I’m honored to offer this special chance to walk on healing land as we call you back home into your body and heart!
I’d like to dedicate this moment to my teachers who have given me the tools I’ll be sharing with you: Jessica Schaffer (Reiki, Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises), Jan-Engles Smith/Pamela Rico/Karen Heffner (Shamanic Healing Arts), Pomegranate Doyle (Intuition, Boundaries, Psychic Skills), Susan Bass (Ayurveda - I’m currently enrolled in her 300-hour foundations program), Andrea Leda (Awaken Your Life Coaching Training), Joe Keeney/Kellye Nichol (Somatic Body Wisdom) and countless yoga, qi gong, pilates, naturopathic, and Chinese Medicine practitioners who in total have helped me heal from Lyme Disease as I created a healing practice from scratch.
Hello, I’m Cindy Trames
You’ll be warmly welcomed to my property on Sauvie Island. Can’t wait to meet you!
Cindy Trames is our venue host, sound healer and land whisperer. She’s graciously opened the doors to her land so that we can immerse ourselves in the magic of her Sauvie Island “Field of Plenty.” She’ll be leading us through a beautiful sound healing under her towering Sequoia tree. Having worked for decades in the corporate world, she epitomizes living with one foot in this world and the other foot in extra-ordinary realms. You will love her infectious joy, open heart and awesome humor!