A MASTERMIND FOR the life of your business
Do you have a business or are you your business?
The way to having a
Create Amazing Shit!
Fundamentally, we gather to help each in creating the most amazing product or service possible, so that our businesses, communities, clients and colleagues thrive.
Super simple.
Our purpose is to catalyze each other and strengthen what's already strong.
Do More In Less Time
Are you missing out on life because your business is all consuming?
Are the functions of your business lacking systems that would cut your work load in half?
Let's use the synergy of this group to shed the unnecessary weight of your business so you can go play a little (a lot) more.
Be the Leader You've Aspired To Be
Is your leadership style cultivated or reactionary?
Are you tuned in to your employees needs for support?
Are you able to challenge yourself and your employees to produce great results?
Thoughtfully planned culture makes your workplace a magnet for top performers. New models of compassionate leadership are proven to instill cultures that thrive. We can get you here.
Magnetize Growth
Are you a best kept secret in your industry?
Do you want to make a bigger impact?
Do you want your credibility to soar?
Let's build your name and make you irresistible to the new clients waiting to know about you.
You Are The Most Valuable Asset
Your business is a reflection of your mastery, resourcefulness and personal care. You know that this Mastermind is right for you if you feel that:
- Running your business alone is isolating and counterproductive
- Personal growth is a powerful way to build and scale business
- Strengthening your CEO community offers immeasurable value
- Modern Leadership creates inclusive, transparent cultures that thrive - and - inspires employees to excel beyond their psychology
- Applying key learnings through accountability is the support needed to grow
- Group energy will propel you into efficient productivity
I'm Joe Shoemaker, Impact Facilitator, working in both groups and in private practice for the last 6 years.
15 years of my life was spent leading teams in corporate marketing agencies, strategizing and creating high impact advertising, publicity events and marketing programs. I ran the Portland office of a successful agency, which means I wore all the of the hats. My natural skill in cultivating, coaching and leading teams lead me to conceive of a new incarnation of myself.
I segued into private consultancy and mentoring 6 years ago because, as I experienced at the time, too many executives lack the direct, personal support needed to grow beyond their psychology. I created my current business to facilitate growth mindset, intentional communication, personal energetic hygiene and deep, core level leadership from within for action-oriented executives, CEO's, creatives and more.
Today I lead and facilitate groups in catalyzing each participant's personal power.
About You:
You are a small business founder or CEO running a company of less than 10 employees
About This Mastermind:
This mastermind group is committed to facilitating sustainable change in your business and your life. We gather as a group to create the energy and support needed to accelerate your business, replenish your personal energy and create an even sweeter life.
Time Commitment:
That's why we require a 6-month commitment to be part of this group so that we can experience
Additional Personal Time Included:
In addition to a once-monthly meeting, you also receive two 90-minute personal deep dives with me over the six months. This time can be used in any way that you choose and is great way to receive additional levels of personal support.
High Caliber Guests:
We will also partner with exceptional guests lecturers who will provide deeper insights and breakthroughs. Who we invite in will be geared to the group as a whole.
The total investment for this group is $4,410. That's $735/mo for 6 months of facilitated mastermind gatherings, high caliber guest speakers and two personal deep dives with me.
Reserve Your Spot:
Currently there are 6 spots remaining for this group. 2 have been filled. This group will be kept intentionally small so that everyone has time to share and process.
To apply to become part of this Mastermind Group please fill out the form below.
We'll be in touch within the next 24 hours.
Thank you!