Head to Heart Leadership Event

Saturday, September 19th, 10am -4pm

Full Day Workshop and Revitalizing Experience

By Invitation


Happy Valley, Oregon

Your Organizer - Joe Shoemaker


Hello! As a Catalyst For Change I help impact-driven leaders to reclaim and sustain their energy.

This is why I created this Head to Heart Leadership Event, whose mission is to provide inspired rejuvenation for leaders exerting tremendous energy in their business and personsal lives.

Through an eclectic, dynamic array of keynote speakers in the fields of health, philosophy and business anthropology, coupled with Indian-inspired food, embodiment practices and a stellar, hand-curated group of 20 of Portland’s most vibrant leaders, you will experience a highly enriching day in a stunning venue.



A gorgeous private property in Happy Valley, with multiple usable spaces for our speakers, embodiment practices and networking.

Our Keynote Speakers


Marsha Shenk, Business Anthropologist

Marsha coined the term "Business Anthropology" in the 1990's, on the understanding that commerce, society, and the brain co-evolved. Her passion is de-obfuscating the forces that make 'work' and 'business' a source of suffering, rather than the joy of social animals contributing to their groups.

Marsha is a popular international speaker and beloved teacher, and her keynote will cast light on ways we can build Ecosystem Intelligence to exchange more effectively with each other - as we evolved to do.

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Carrie Jones, ND

Dr. Jones is an internationally recognized speaker, consultant, and educator on the topic of women's health and hormones. She’ll provide us with an extremely rich keynote that will help to understand how balancing hormones creates more effective leaders. From the early warning signs, to managing hormone imbalances, we’ll walk away with concrete steps to lead from a state of hormonal balance.


Susan Bass, Founder of The Sarasvati Institute of Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy and adjunct faculty at the North Carolina College of Natural Medicine (NCCNM) and the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM).     

Susan is a master of Ayurveda, a time tested science that helps us heal ourselves by reconnecting with nature, inside and out.  Her keynote will illustrate how Ayurveda peels off layers of trauma, removes doubt and builds our stamina when we need it most - especially for leaders.  Ayurveda and Yoga are ancient, sacred healing paths that help people connect to their internal source of power. 

Embodiment - Our Bodies In Motion


This event will feature a set of yoga as taught by Susan Bass Ayurvedic Yoga Teacher and our first keynote presenter. We’ll ground into our bodies, release stagnant energy and vitalize our blood and lymph. And, Susan will lead our bodies into rest and repair. This will help us sustain energy throughout the day!

Hand-Curated Attendees

Twenty high-caliber, exceptional leaders, in a wide-array of industries (from children’s television, to behavioral health, to holistic medicine, to global travel and more) will gather to be mutually inspired and empowered.

Currently, 10 tickets remain.

To apply for consideration, please email us and we’ll schedule a time to talk to you.

Indian-Inspired Lunch Provided


You’ll delight in our Ayurvedic, all organic, gluten free vegetable curry and chicken curry during our lunch break

Covid-19 Precautions

Due to the nature of this in-person event, we require masks be worn. We will have ample room to distance and we’ll have multiple hand sanitizing stations. Every effort is made to maximize safety.

If you are a dynamic leader in the Portland area eager to be nourished, rejuvenated and empowered, we’d love to hear from you. Thank you!