Flourish Your Dreams & Cultivate Community

Dream expanding one-day retreat on private Sauvie Island acreage

Full day experience of seed sowing and growing big dreams


/ Sumptuous, Ayurvedic-inspired food

/ Stellar Community

/ Engaging, Sensory Experience

Saturday, June 1st 2024


9 Available Spots

What big dream needs nourishment to grow now?

A community retreat to sow seeds of a new reality

In this full day retreat, you will come together with 9 other dreamers to activate the most important next phase of your life!

We’ll do this together in a Somatic-Shamanic-Seed-Sowing experience that will utilize 7 unique, cultivated areas of this beautiful Sauvie Island land to prime and prompt your creative imagination into manifested action.

Walk away with a dream so deeply embraced and embodied that you want to practice cultivation of your elevated energy every day of your life.

Grow Your Dreams Through Elevated Emotion

This full day workshop will teach you how to grow your dreams using:

  • Elevated emotional states

  • Reconnection to nature

  • Bonding with community that cares

  • Somatic body awareness and energy cultivation

The process for our work will include:

  • Shamanic journeying to find a spirit ally to support you (you’ll be taught to do this if you’re new to journeying)

  • Somatic body release of tension and anchoring in of new, elevated emotions

  • Activating chakras using a little known form of sound meditation

  • Creative interaction with the land as a grounding rod for your dreams to become empowered

  • Collective care

When dreams are cultivated on land meant to sow seeds, energy expands

That’s why this Sauvie Island refuge, known as the Field of Plenty, has been chosen to support our sacred act of dreaming our lives into matter.

In this workshop, you will:

  • visit up to 7 stations on the land, each with a unique energetic expression meant to inspire your creative power in a unique way

  • use each area as a living prompt to both rekindle your dreams and heal the reasons they haven’t yet manifested

  • be lead through intimate group work where you’ll initiate yourself and your next steps into a new reality

  • deepen your connection to this special group, leave with new friends

Before even stepping onto the Field of Plenty you will be activated into tending to the dream that’s been knocking on your auric door. That’s because creation energy activates the moment you say yes to deepening your desires into reality. This is both a Shamanic and neuro-biological truth that emboldens each of us to be the creators of our own unique reality.

“You are born to fly and in dreams you remember your soul has wings.”

— Robert Moss


Morning 9:30am - 11:30am

  • Releasing stagnant energy and building new, fresh energy in your system using techniques from multiple somatic disciplines

  • Learn the art of “journeying” and conduct your first intentional journey of the day to receive a blessing to cultivate your dream

  • Connect with the group in a healing ceremony where each person activates their dreams in shared space

12:30pm - 1:30pm

  • Organic, delicious lunch is served!

  • Meet members of the circle; make new friends

  • Enjoy the acreage, walk the land to recharge

1:30pm - 5pm

  • Cultivate your dreams using guided prompts, personal ceremony, and journeying in small groups to fertilize your deepest desire:

    1. Under the towering Sequoia, in the writers room overlooking the farm, In the field of meadow flowers where doe roam, under the canopy of firs where crows caw

    2. Enjoy a closing ceremony with the group to anchor in what you sowed so it can flourish

Your Facilitator

Joe Shoemaker


I am so excited to extend this invitation to join me in nourishing our dreams on beautiful land on June 1st. This will be the 2nd event of it’s it kind at this private venue, where we come together to plant new seeds for a beautiful future.

As a professional coach, Ayurvedic wellness advisor, sound therapist, healer and retreat facilitator I offer you the chance to deepen your connection with the luscious parts of your being so you can manifest from your heart.

I’ll offer creative, experiential portals into the vastness of yourself so you can remember who you are and what you want to do next in life.

I can’t wait to welcome you!

Your land hostess

Cindy Trames

Hello everyone!

I am a sound whisperer, sacred song holder, and tender of the Field of Plenty onto which you’ll begin your journey! My life has been steeped in intentional devotion to the soul of everything - our hearts, the towering Sequoia in my backyard, the process of co-creation - and now this incredible land upon which you and many others will experience a joyful shift in consciousness. Come open your vessel to the power of cultivated community among the forest and flowers!

Sample Menu


  • This is an in-person retreat hosted on private land on Sauvie Island, known as the Field of Plenty (FOP), a truly stunning, sacred land on which you can sow new dreams into reality

  • The event is held on Saturday, 6/1 from 9:30am - 5pm

  • The cost is $500 per person

  • We’ll feed you lightly for breakfast, with a full Ayurvedic lunch and afternoon snacks, including incredible aged tea

  • Our guest list caps at 9 participants to preserve intimacy of your experience

  • You will cultivate your dreams in community because healing and manifesting amplifies in groups where people care for each other

  • You’ll do this deep work through journeying in the Shamanic tradition, activating relationship with helping allies, through experiencing curated spaces on the land, by responding to prompts intended to enliven your right hemisphere

  • Be nourished of soul and body; enjoy the presence of mindful attendees also on a path of self-expansion and dream creation while enjoying freshly prepared, organic cuisine that will be imbued with heart and love (I will be making some of the food for y’all!)