Dynamic Couples Coaching To Reconnect Your Hearts


Does your relationship feel complicated?

You are not alone!

Everyone I know has deep core wounds they bring into the relationship that are largely unhealed. Each partner expresses these unhealed aspects of themselves in different ways - some slam doors, some isolate and avoid deep conversation, some use hurtful language others secretly spend money.

Underlying and unresolved pain often causes an incredible amount of stress between two people, not to mention working full time, raising children, having a human body to tend to and on and on.

My work as a couples coach hinges on these principles:

  1. Our nervous systems are dysregulated and neither partner knows exactly how to create safety inside the relationship as a result

  2. Our patterns of communication and connection have long, deep roots in our histories: these roots must be unearthed, witnessed, partnered with, made friends with and healed individually with support of each partner first before any meaningful changes can be made

My work with couples works directly with belief systems in a safe, supportive environment to build compassion, tender-heartedness and reconnection.

I am honored to work with courageous couples on a path of transformation.


Jesse Rubendall, Director of Operations, Starseed Ranch, Kapaau, Hawaii


“Joe truly has an incredible and unique gift. I've honestly never met or worked with anyone quite like him. Upon meeting Joe, I immediately felt a calming and empowering auora. I worked with Joe for about a year and in that short period of time, I feel I transformed immensely as a person.

Joe helped me dig deep within myself, uncovering some deep-rooted self-doubt, limiting beliefs, and subconscious habits holding me back. With Joe's inspirational guidance, I reconnected with a truer version of myself. He has an ability to ask you challenging, yet essential, questions to connect with your soul's deeper purpose. With Joe's support, I summoned the courage to make some major life decisions I had been working towards for years. I let go of my corporate job, pursuing freelance work as a writer for brands much more aligned with my own values. Shortly after my work with Joe, I leapt towards my dreams even further - my wife and I sold our house in Portland and moved to Hawaii to become Regenerative farmers. Today, we live on the Big Island, fulfilling our life's work. Thank you Joe, you literally helped me change my life!”