Reconnect To Your Authentic Self

Join us for this experiential in-person workshop on Feb 4th 2023


Learn new techniques to increase your vitality


Experience supportive community & reconnect to your inspiration


Create actions toward your authentic goals

Saturday, February 4th, 9am - 2pm | Allison Inn, Newberg, Oregon


 A Workshop to Energize, Connect, & Align

We have created this workshop as a masterclass to help people emerge out of the pandemic with reinvigorated vitality and connection to authentic desires.

You will be welcomed into a safe, confidential, non-judgmental space for this transformative workshop. Together we will process the grief and shock of the last several years while resetting our collective inspiration.

Our goal is for everyone to learn an energizing and grounding daily practice, a clear philosophy for managing the mind, and action steps to sustain happiness.


Grounding & Energizing Daily Practice

You will learn and practice a routine with gentle hatha yoga poses, grounding breathwork and a relaxing meditation. This is a simple, powerful daily practice you can continue doing at home for better focus and energy.

Core Teaching: Philosophy for Managing The Mind

You will learn the basics of a transformative body of work known as Microchakra Psychology, created by Sri Shymaji Bhatnagar from the Chakra Institute. This framework helps cultivate a versatile mindset to overcome conditioning so you can live more authentically.

  • Identified are 147 microchakras that affect our spiritual evolution and daily well-being. Sri Shyamji Bhatnagar developed these teachings from his early work with breath and sacred sounds, which began at age 12 with his guru in India.

    In 1967 his discovery of the 147 microchakras inspired his creation of Microchakra Psychology, a blend of ancient wisdom and contemporary psychology that explains the workings of the subtle body and how openings or blockages in the chakras can either encourage or sabotage psychological health and spiritual development.ription text goes here

Aligning Action For Sustaining Happiness

Working with the framework of the Microchakra Psychology you will be able to identify engrained limitations and challenges that are holding you back. From this new perspective you will create progress steps toward your authentic goals, desires and needs.

 Key Workshop Takeaways:

∆ New grounding and energizing daily routine

∆ Practical knowledge of ancient Michrochakra philosophy to manage the mind

∆ An approach to align your needs, desires and goals

∆ Personalized action plans to live more authentically

∆ Connection to a community with like-minded people


Your Workshop Facilitators:

Joe & Rich

This workshop began as a conversation on the tennis court about uniting the best practices and teachings that we each have encountered on our personal development journeys. Our common desire was to provide decades worth of learnings from our practices, retreats, and studies into a transformative workshop experience. 

During the pandemic we had several conversations about our own challenges with maintaining a positive mindset. Joe was experiencing shifts in his work and relationship. Rich struggled with anxiety, insomnia, and physical pain from a car accident. 

Throughout these tough times we both realized the power in the toolbox of techniques, routines, resources, and practices that we had learned and cultivated through decades of personal growth work. 

For both of us the silver lining of the pandemic was twofold. Firstly, it was a powerful reminder to remain mindful of the precious value in each moment of life. Secondly, we were both reinvigorated to embrace habits that made us feel grounded, healthy, balanced, and inspired.

Our collective goal was to emerge from the pandemic with a mindset that views the ups and downs of our lives as stepping stones on the path to energize, connect, and align with inner vibrance, purpose, love, and commitment to service. 

We’re excited to bring it all together and share our best practices, tools, techniques, and teachings at this inaugural workshop. We hope that you can join us in co-creating this dynamic, empowering, and joyful unfolding process.

  • Joe has made the commitment to healing through energy in private practice for the last 9 years as a coach, energy healer, mentor and group facilitator.

    His credentials include:

    Accredited Coach through the Association for Coaching

    Certified Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner

    Master Professional Reflexology Practitioner

    Reiki Master

    Certified to perform Soul Retrieval by the Lightsong School of Shamanic Studies where he has studied for the last 6 years

  • Rich is a certified yoga instructor having spent 1200 hours in training including:

    500 Hour Teacher Training, Babaji’s Kriya Yoga

    500 Hour Teacher Training, Sivananda Yoga School

    200 Hour Teacher Training, Kundalini Yoga

    He has spent 11 years as a student of Sri Shymaji Bhatnagar, founder of The Chakra Institute.

    He is owner of Carioca Bowls, a Portland-based açai bowl cafe and hub for community wellbeing.

    Rich holds a BA from Dartmouth College, an MA from Johns Hopikins SAIS and an MBA from Columbia University.

  • From my earliest childhood memories I have always been curious about the unknown. As a child I was drawn to foreign languages and world cultures. I knew that my conditioned way of being was just one of millions and I wanted to learn languages and travel everywhere possible to experience other ways of life and divergent points of view. At age 16 my world was turned upside down when my father died of cancer. At that age I didn’t have the emotional intelligence or communication skills to deal with the grief. So I sought refuge inside and became curious about spirituality and subtle energy.

    My drive to do well in school in my formative years opened up opportunities to expand my horizons and travel the world. In my 20s I studied and worked in 5 different European countries. In my 30s I led sales and business development for a rapid growth business and lived in Brazil. In my 40s I revisited my existential curiosities and immersed myself in spiritual practices, trainings, austerities, and pilgrimages in India and Asia.

    What I learned from all of these global experiences is that everywhere in the world people face similar challenges and that my mindset determines my reality. I've been unhappy with a high paying salary and luxurious living accomodations. Conversely I've felt blissful spending months as a volunteer living in a tent with no amenities.

    The lesson that I've learned over and over again in life and business is simple yet profound. Outside circumstances, accomplishments, and privileges are not directly correlated to lasting or sustainable happiness. They definitely can help; however, in many instances they paradoxically lead to uncontrollable and insatiable desires. On the other hand, I've witnessed in others and experienced myself that internal practices that promote spaciousness and stillness are directly correlated with increased self awareness and sustainable happiness.

    For me yoga, meditation, ancient wisdom teachings, and vedic sounds have enabled me to directly experience my inner vibrance and to identify more with my desires for connection, love, compassion, growth, service, and creativity. These experiences have enabled me to feel more joy and freedom with less ties to roles, identities, and outcomes.

    Now my goal is to synthesize the practices and learnings from all of my experiences to help others find value, enjoyment, and equanimity in all situations.

  • The beauty of an out-of-body experience is the never-ending curiosity that permeates my life. I’ll never forget being a consciousness hovering in the top corner of Mrs. Johnson’s first grade classroom looking down at myself doing schoolwork. As natural as it felt to bi-locating, I was intensely intrigued to know more. Perhaps this is why I’m fascinated with and practice energy work even inside of my coaching conversations.

    But before I can talk about energy work I want to tell you a bit about a pulsating red and purple bullseye rash I once found on my leg. The moment was a pivotal turning point in my life as my reaction to the bite was so severe that not even several months of antibiotics were enough to return me to health.

    I would then spend the next 22 years seeking remedies, treatments, consultations and energy work to rebuild my body. In that span I saw 82 different practitioners from bodyworkers to shamans to homeopaths to doctors of every variety.

    As this journey unfolded I eventually crossed a new threshold upon receiving and learning Reiki. My life changed in a moment when I realized how dishonest I had been by continuing to work in a job that didn’t serve me. When I resigned my 12 year career in communications I had no plan other than to recover, rest and rejuvenate. I took 10 months to deeply nourish myself when I realized I was preparing myself to become a healer. I had known the heartbreak of a lonely healing path and felt perfectly suited to hold space for others grinding through the fire.

    I’ve now been in private practice for nearly a decade helping people to restore their energy. Whether through spirit journeys or deep coaching conversations, I am so incredibly humbled to be in heart-centered service to humanity.


The Venue: World-Renowned Beauty


This special workshop will be held at The Allison Inn, a luxurious hotel and spa in the middle of the forest, just 40 minutes outside of Portland, Oregon. The grounds are lined with stunning, original pieces of art by local creators. The inside of the hotel is warm, beautifully decorated and incredibly comfortable. You will love the beauty that exudes from this property.

 Workshop Logistics

Arrive at the Allison Inn by 9am. A delicious, gourmet lunch will be provided by the award-winning Jory Restaurant at noon. The workshop will be finished by 2pm.

Come dressed comfortably, bring a notebook and your favorite pen, and be open for a fun, collaborative experience together!

Join us in person on February 4th 2023

We would love to co-create this transformative experience with you.

$297 early bird until Dec 21st

$349 thereafter

Space is limited to 30 people

Share this event!

By all means, share this event with your friends, colleagues or family. We look forward to being with you in February 2023.

Transparency Note

We are aware of our privilege as cis-gendered white men to have access to esoteric spiritual teachings. Our mission is to share this ancient wisdom with integrity and humility. Accordingly, it is important to us to honor the mentors, teachers, and elders that have opened their hearts in sharing this sacred knowledge with us. Without their blessings we would not be able to share this information with you.

Thank you: Jan-Engles Smith, Pamela Rico, and Karen Heffner of Lightsong School of Shamanic Studies, Sharon Giamatteo, PhD and Tom Giamatteo, ND of the IMT Wellness Center, Werner Vosloo, ND, Bill Flocco of The Academy of Reflexology, Matt James of The Empowerment Group, Sarah Marie Livings of Apothic Energy, Andrea Leda of Braver Coach, Susan Bass of Sarasvati Ayurveda Institute, Marsha Shenk of EcosystemIQ, Wendy Palmer of Leadership Embodiment, Lisa Brouwer, Brené Brown, author of Dare to Lead, Sri Shymaji Bhatnagar of the Chakra Institute